Kylie, age 9
Bailey, age 5
Amira, age 8
Kylie, age 9
Bailey, age 5
Amira, age 8
This time of year is so special for families, as it's a time to celebrate and take joy in the many pleasures of life. One of the greatest joys of this time of year is giving gifts to those you love, to show them just how much you appreciate them.
Why not give your child the gift of an artistic education? This gift will be theirs for a lifetime.
Many children are unaware of their own artistic talent, until they discover it, sometimes accidentally, by trying out a class. Such was the case with this young student, Toby, a sampling of whose work is shown below.
Toby and his mom happened upon art/work/place at a school fair and decided to try out a class. At the age of 5, Toby started out as a Mini Maker and created this beautiful painting of a fish during his first lesson!
Toby is now progressing through our Youth Curriculum, and he couldn't be doing better!
At the age of 6, Toby is creating drawings that look as if they have been done by lifelong artists, like this awesome drawing of a lobster!
This painting is the most recent, and shows how much Toby has progressed in a short 3 months!
It's exciting to imagine what Toby will be creating at this time next year, and what he will be creating when he is a teen, and when he is an adult!
What will your child create? Give them the gift of art and discover it together!
One Class per Week: $125
Two Classes per Week: $225
Three Classes per Week: $337.50
Four Classes per Week: $425
This young student began his artistic instruction at art/work/place during our January Give / Take event earlier this year. Just 5 years old, he created this beautiful drawing in our Mini Makers class and decided to join us for weekly lessons.
He quickly showed promise and an enthusiasm for art. With very little guidance, he was able to understand difficult concepts such as color gradients, and was able to depict this using materials that are advanced for such a young age.
His ability to draw complex objects was impressive for someone so young!
He is now coming up on one year at art/work/place, and he has graduated from Mini Maker to our Youth Lesson class! His skills are growing and his love of art shows in every piece he does.
Open up a new world for your child. Give them the gift of art this holiday season.
One Class per Week: $125
Two Classes per Week: $225
Three Classes per Week: $337.50
Four Classes per Week: $425
Many artists struggle with finding their voice. After the hard work of learning the fundamental skills necessary to create art, there is the added challenge of cultivating a style that is one's own, that one can use to express themselves to the world through their images.
This incredibly talented student has been at art/work/place for a couple of years now and has excelled in finding her own artistic language.
She demonstrates strong skills in creating life-like imagery, and also adds her own energy to make those images part of a larger body of work that is all her own.
Piece by piece, she is building up a strong foundation that will be hers for a lifetime.
Give your child the chance to find their own artistic voice.
One Class per Week: $125
Two Classes per Week: $225
Three Classes per Week: $337.50
Four Classes per Week: $425
Have you ever discovered something new and unexpected, and found that it was more perfect for you than you would have ever dreamed? For some of our students, they were given the gift of art and they uncovered hidden talents that they had no idea existed.
One of our students, Kailey, was introduced to art/work/place through a gift certificate that her mother won. Kailey joined us first for a month of free classes and found that, not only did she love making art, but she is very talented at it as well!
One of the most rewarding things about providing artistic education to children is watching their joy when they show off their latest piece to their parents. Such was the case when Kailey completed the beautiful succulent above. It was hung on the gallery and she very proudly showed her dad when he arrived to pick her up. Her dad was so impressed by the talent depicted that he was initially surprised that she completed it on her own, since she had never shown any artistic skill prior to taking lessons at art/work/place. That surprise quickly was replaced by awe, as he took out his camera to memorialize this special moment in his daughter's life.
Kailey continues to impress with every image she creates. Her journey as a young artist has just started, and already she is ahead of the pack. It'll only get better from here!
One Class per Week: $125
Two Classes per Week: $225
Three Classes per Week: $337.50
Four Classes per Week: $425
Ashley, age 14
Twyla, age 11
Mila, age 8
Sophie, age 12
Things are getting extra colorful around here! Just check out these recent paintings that explode with color!
Camille, age 14
Peter, age 11
Natalia, age 7